Friday, September 19, 2014

How I Keep a Laundry Schedule

Or How Do You Eat an Elephant? One Bite at a Time!  or Ten Things That Make Me Feel Unloved: #1 Asking Me To Help with Laundry.

I was just joking about that last one, but it's true, my least favorite chore is laundry!  Not the putting it into the washer and dryer part.  I can manage that.  I really, really, reeeeally hate having to fold and put away laundry!  I can't explain it.  It's just not fun for me and for that reason, I do one of two things. 1.) I put off laundry and get backed up to the point where Zack is begging me for clean socks and underwear or 2.) I have piles and piles of clean, wrinkled laundry that get shuffled between our bed and the top of our dresser.   It's actually super embarrassing how long I have gone without actually putting the laundry away. We've literally worn an entire pile of clothing without it actually seeing the closet or dresser drawers.

Then one day I had this brilliant (or at least smarter than what I was doing) idea.  I thought that maybe I could manage the awful, daunting task of laundry if I broke it up into sections rather than try to conquer is all in one day ... and I was right!

I found limiting the amount of laundry that needed to be done by categorizing them 1.) made the task easier to do and 2.) actually made each load of laundry smaller because I was routinely cleaning say, the darks or whites, and it never actually had the time to accumulate to no return!  Putting laundry away has never been such  a pleasant task (as pleasant as it can get)!

Here's what my schedule looks like:

This picture reiterates me need to get a high quality Canon or Nikon but my husband has really encouraged to keep blogging regardless of my camera quality. So, as we look for an affordable, high quality camera, this is what I have. :)

Weekly Laundry Schedule:
Monday: Jeans
Tuesday: Colors
Wednesday: Janni's Clothes
Thursday: Darks
Friday: Whites
Saturday: Linens/Towels
Sunday: Rest

I write mine out by hand to make it more personal.  I then place it in a plastic paper protector and tape it into the top of my washer (I have a top loader,  but if you have a front loader then just tape it on the wall to the side or wherever you can always see it) ) so it's there to remind me what gets washed that day.

It takes a week of faithfully doing your laundry and putting it away on the day it's scheduled to be done to experience the benefit of a schedule and to see smaller piles of laundry to put away.  When I told Zack that I had planned to start a laundry schedule, he agreed to help me put the laundry away every evening for a week, so it made it easier from the get-go.  You may want to have somebody commit to helping you put the laundry away for the first week.
So, how do you eat a massive elephant? One small, beautiful bite at a time!


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