"Fairytales don't teach children that monsters exist, they already know that monsters exist. Fairy tales teach children that monsters can be killed."
-G.K. Chesterton
This is one of my favorite quotes to date. I still, at 27 years old, love a good fairy tale. I have fond memories of lying in bed or on a grassy backyard during a cool Spring's day and getting lost in an adventure regarding a rather large Lion and 4 brave children. Or a Princess with 7 little men following her around. And as a parent, I really cannot wait until my sweet Janni is able to sit still and listen long enough for me to introduce her to my beloved stories.
But why do we like fairy tales? What draws us so near to them? I really think that as human beings, we really tend to root for the underdog and we're joyous when good over trumps evil. Even in the most evil of worlds, we want what we perceive as evil to be killed. We want what we perceive as good to ride victoriously through the streets as a cheering crowd proclaims their victory!
So, with that said, I want to share some of my emotions as my Mother-in-law battles cancer because, just like my quote, cancer is an ugly monster. And just like when we were children, monsters still scare adults. I don't expect the Boogie Man to jump out from my closet or under my bed as I did when I was a child, but I still know that they are very real. And my heart, as an adult, wants my quote to ring true. That this monster called cancer can and will be killed. I want it with all of my heart.
But as a Christian, I know God is in control. I know that our days are numbered from the beginning of creation. And this fight doesn't look so good for my Mother-in-law. Without going into too much detail, she waited too long before she sought help and now they want to remove her tongue. They want to take it out, put her on a feeding tube (because she won't be able to eat without a tongue), and then proceed with radiation.
I really want to go deeper into detail but alas, I don't want to bore you. Just know, things look bad. Very, very bad.
I am really trying to have child-like faith. I really want to have an overwhelming belief that this monster, that this ugly, awful, terrifying monster called cancer can and will be killed. That Janni and all future children will have not 1, but 2 doting grandmothers. And mostly that Cheryl will ride victoriously through the streets as her family and friends cheer her on. Cancer defeated, life restored.
Please prayer for her.
Cheryl holding Janni at just a few hours old. |
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