She ended up passing away in October 2015, just one short year after being diagnosed. She fought a difficult, hard fight and we were so inspired by her the entire time.
It's been hardest on Zack's sister. But we've all felt the weight of Cheryl's passing.
It's so odd to think that I literally only had a mother-in-law for 3.5 years. I always thought that my kids would be going over to her house for cookies and grandma fun time well into their teens. It's funny how God orchastrates and directs our lives.
It's so evident and tangible how precious families are and how crucial it is to maintain good, healthy relationships with our family. Before Cheryl got diagnosed with cancer, I'll admit we had minor problems here and there. But her diagnosis changed everything. We repented and moved forward with support for each other during these hard times.
I've learned through this not to harbor anger and frustration. To humble yourself and seek forgiveness when wrong. To overlook minor offenses and immediately go to them for major offenses and to offer mercy... Oh, how we all need mercy in our relationships!
So, if I can leave you anything to take away from this semi-depressing post, make the relationships with family and closer friends a priority. Do what's in your own ability to be at peace with them and cherish the days that you have with them!
"If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all."- [Romans 12:18]
We miss you, Cheryl.
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