On Thursday nights, Zack and I take a class at our church.
Child care is provided and Janni has pretty much always loved going into the baby/toddler/preschool/etc. her entire life. Try usually lasts until the last 45 minutes or so and then screams until they have to put my number up on the screen to come get him.
Tonight, I made a soup to bring for everybody who would want some and didn't have enough time to make Janni anything for dinner before we had to leave for church and since the soup was on the spicy side and she won't eat anything remotely spicy, I was a little unsure what she would eat. I dropped both Tru and Janni off at their rooms and felt bothered that Janni didn't have dinner. Tru had some baby food I'd left with him to eat but Janni had nothing and her last snack was hours before. Typically, they provide cheese itz for a snack, but that wouldn't be until near the end of the night.
I spoke to one of the leaders watching the children in her age group and said I would look around the food table meant for our class and see what I could bring her. I looked and there was nothing she'd eat.
I sat down at our table and couldn't even listen to the pastor leading the class because my heart was hurting for Janni. After about 3 minutes, it dawned on me that I had a blueberry-apple sauce pouch in my bag from earlier today and a bag of grainless granola from Trader Joe's. I quietly left the sanctuary where our class was being held and went to the other side of the church to give Janni her makeshift dinner.
On my way back, I ran into an old friend who happened to be carrying her very, very fussy 18 month old. In the past, she's shared with me how hard he has been on her.
I ended up asking her about what she's done for her fussy son and shared with her about Tru.
She told me that she has had a lot of success with a local natural path doctor and that when her older son was 3 and literally on the brinks of death, she found this doctor and took him there and he was able to diagnose him with celiac disease and start him on a dietary protocol and restrictions to save his life. She also has had so much luck with her youngest son and since both her youngest son and my son are showing signs of eczema and extreme fussy/screaming/never wanting to be put down behaviors, she encouraged me to call him first thing in the morning and make an appointment!
She says that although her youngest son is still, by far, the most difficult child she has, that this doctor has given him supplements and nutritional dietary restrictions and that he is a much, much easier child and that any amount of money she has spent on him (insurance won't cover a natural path doctor), she wouldn't trade it for what he has done for her son!
I feel super encouraged and hopeful that this doctor can solve and resolve and lead us to some solutions to help Tru to be a more consistently happy baby!
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