Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Give Me My Nap

My daughter has never been much of a napper. She's fallen asleep only about a dozen times during quiet time (and then stays up 1.5 hours later... to make me pay terribly for her mistake... or that's what it feels like.).

Before Teddy was born, I'd be hanging out for a playdate and the other kids would be melting down and the mother would say something like, "Gosh, these kids need their nap!" and I'd be completely dumbfounded. Like, I'd momentarily forgot that normal toddlers take naps on a regular basis. It just didn't cross my mind! By the time she was 2.5, I implemented quiet time for Justine and it was literally the only way I got a break from parenting. I've never looked back!

My boys, on the other hand, absolutely NEED their naps. And it's absolutely wonderful!!

Naps for my boys typically take precedency over pretty much anything. I've been known to skip fun activities I was really, really looking forward to because the boys were falling apart and I knew it just wouldn't be worth skipping their nap! I may come off as a flake but I'd have come off as an idiot if I had not canceled.

If we're not home and naptime rolls around, Teddy can and will sleep anywhere... after he's had meltdown... but cannot be moved or else.

My sister-in-law recently had surgery and Zack and I had the pleasure of babysitting her five kids! It was definitely busy but they were sweet and fun and helpful and it was such a delight to get to spend time with them! The cousins have such a fun time together!!

By about the second day, Teddy was clingy and crabby and was aching for his routine, so he did the only logical thing possible... he refused his nap... for a while.

I was curling my nieces' hair and when I was done, went to check on everybody and found Teddy asleep. On a solid oak bench. He basically crashed in no time.

And he slept like this for an hour!! Give this boy his nap!!

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