I'm not at all a pessimistic person. I like to consider myself a realist with a dash of optimism.
That realist part of me really got me into trouble when I was a kid (I typically would say what was on my mind, and before I had a chance to think it through... poof... damage done.). Damage control gear on. Lots of awkward moments.
I never did it to be mean or hurtful. I just really thought that people wanted to know the truth. "Tell me how you really feel, Emily."
Luckily, I've developed a filter and always make sure to think before I speak.
All this to lead into a list of the top 10 pet-peeves of mine, because I'm kind of feeling like being honest today. So brace yourself!
1. Dishes. Our rental doesn't have a dishwasher, so I rebel at liking doing dishes by hand. If I had the luxury of a dishwasher, I'm sure this would quickly change my perspective.
2. Messy cars. Not that my car is always immaculate. I have a 2 year old and it can get messy, but it stresses me out so much that I don't even want to get into the car.
3. Fashion jeans with holes in them. I know that these kinds of pants and shorts are extremely popular right now, but oh, are they unappealing to me. Mark my words, I will never intentionally own a pair! Also know, if you own a pair and wear them, you actually look wonderful. I've never actually seen a blogger who looks terrible wearing them.
4. My daughter wasting food. I've always had this feeling of urgency that if I didn't feed my child a million things, she would starve! I would offer her a bazillion things at meals and she would waste over half of it. I backed off stuffing her silly, but she still somehow manages to waste a pretty impressive amount of food. Oh, and I've tried to insist she takes bites, but once this girl decides she done, she gags. Genius.
5. My toenails not being painted. I had an unreal amount of ingrown toenails over my college career. So unreal that my doctor got tired of seeing me and removing the culprit (it was almost always the right big toe) that she sent me to a podiatrist (foot specialist) and asked him to service my toe. It broke his heart that my record showed that record had over 5 removals. He fixed it by cutting only the sides out (all under topical Novocaine) and shoving a chemical into the exposed root to kill the growth and prohibit the ingrown toenails. Now my right toenail is a stubby and so odd looking that the only way I can really cope is to have a fresh coat of polish.
6. The same kids song on repeat. Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? Animal Crackers in My Soup? E-I-E-I-O? Enough said.
7. Stains on new (or old) clothes. Not mine, of course sometimes I do get a little messy, but I'm more concerned about Janni's new clothes. I had all these hopes of saving girl clothes for if we ever had another little girl. Justine likes to live on the wild side and throw her bib off in the middle of meals and stain galore! But then even if I attempt to get those stains out immediately, not all of them come out. I've cried about and thrown out more clothes than I care to remember.
8. My bed unmade. It is actually physically impossible for me to clean the rest of the house if my bed is not made. I wouldn't consider myself O.C.D. but boy, in this area, I am certain that trying to clean without my bed made gives me a pretty good idea what it must feel/be like. I am unable to focus, I stress out, and semi-hyperventalate. And then I stop everything, make the bed, all is right in the world again. Another walk on the wild side.
9. Incomplete tasks. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does. Call me a pain, call me a goof.
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