Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Precious No Nap Wednesday

Today I babysat for a lady down the way.  She's an ER nurse and works nights 3 times a week and needs somebody to come and watch her 2 children so she can sleep while her husband is at work.

Well, Janni typically refuses to take a nap anywhere but in her crib (I'm honestly in no big hurry to move her to a big girl bed, nearly 2 and all) and since we arrived there at 9 am and wouldn't be leaving until well after nap time, I knew she would be difficult at the end of the day.  She usually does great until we get home around 4:15 and I have to begin preparing dinner.

Tonight was no exception.

Janni has been the epitome of a sticky finger (you know, those hands attached to a string that you can buy from quarter machines in the grocery store and are made of some sticky rubbery content). She will cling to me and slowly let go, only to quickly realize she is no longer holding tight to me and I may somehow get away, so, full-on running, she SLAPS onto me, only to repeat the process again, doing this all while crying or whining, which if you're anything like me, makes the thought process a distant memory and getting things done nearly impossible.  And I am torn from feeling compassion that she is wayyy exhausted and it's mostly my fault and super frustrated because our family needs to eat!

I know, my life is so awful!  I have a healthy, affectionate, kind, smart, little girl who loves her mommy (even more when tired)! I put Janni down for bed a full 45 minutes early and she went down with barely a fuss! 

But rest assure, our family did eat before she went to bed because Zack showed up and made everything better and I ended up changing into my comfy pants because jeans and overeating go together like a polka-dots and stripes (okay, maybe somebody has figured out how to make it a good combo, but you get my point).  So don't feel too bad for us, Momma Bear, Papa Bear, and Baby Bear are all well fed!

While Janni sleeps, whether she has been either sweet or difficult, I often look at pictures of her to either reaffirm how precious she is or to reaffirm that no matter how difficult the day may be, she is still that same precious girl that I find her to be when she is sweet and agreeable!  This picture was taken after we had gone swimming and she truly did not want to get back in the car to go home for a nap.  And yet, even with the sun glaring in her eyes and a tantrum central, she is oh so very precious and I am so blessed that I get to be her Mommy!

What are a few things that remind you how precious your children are (even when they aren't acting particularly precious!)?

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