Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday: Counting My Blessings

I was recently talking to a friend about my dreams and hopes for the future.

Some of these dreams include: having more children, paying off debt, purchasing a home, and being able to actively bring in income without greatly sacrificing my child(ren).

Somewhere in the middle of the conversation, a book called "A Thousand Blessings" came up.  It is a religious book about a woman who found faith early on in life.  She married and had children and live a relatively happy life.  But she began to sink into depression and despair over her life when she began comparing it to other.  One day, she daily began listing every single blessing in her life, rather than counting the blessings of her friends'.  She slowly came out of depression and realized that she had so many blessings that she could hardly comprehend them.

Seeing that today is Good Friday, the day that Jesus was whipped, beaten, and hung on the cross to pay a debt He didn't owe, so that we can be free from the bondage of sin and dwell with Him and the Father for eternity, I thought I would name the top 5 of my blessings (because I don't want to bore you, I can name 1000! No kidding!).

The list includes (but truly isn't limited to):

  1. My Salvation. I know that when I die, I will not spend eternity in Hell.  Deep, I know, but I am ever so grateful.
  2. My Husband. I am so blessed to get to love and care for the kindest, sweetest, Godliest man I have ever know
  3. My Daughter. This months marks the 2nd year I have been allowed to love and cherish my sweet Janni.  She is a joy, a delight, so smart, and so adored!
  4. My Home. I am so blessed to be able to stay home and be a mother and homemaker to my family!  I often take it for granted, but it is truly a huge blessing!
  5. My Family. Mine and Zack's are such a blessing.  How I truly love getting to spend time with them and I am so excited that for Janni's birthday, I will get to spend time with both sides at the same time!

What are some of the blessings in your life you take for granted?  What are the blessings in your life you don't take for granted?  I would love to hear!

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