Thursday, May 14, 2015

Week 2: Wednesday Way to Health

Or Thursday way to health, I did my best!

I've been pretty sick this week with the worst case of low-carb flu I've ever had.  I've been miserable, but absolutely refusing to cheat! 

This week, I've been walking 2 miles a morning, with Janni in the stroller and I've been documenting my progress with a fitness app on my phone. I'll try to figure out how to post my charts on the blog. 

This post is being done on my phone, so I'll keep it short. Here are my progress pictures for this week.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Top 10 Pet-Loves

Since I  recently wrote a post about my top 10 pet-peeves, I figured I'd write about my top pet-loves!

1. Naptime. Need I say more? 

2. Essential Oils and my diffuser!  I really dislike stinches in my home.  I kick myself when I forget to take out the trash at night and wake up and immediately have to air out the house and rid the trash because something in it reaks up the house.   I like very much good smells in my home.  Very few things make me smile as much as when I leave the house after the diffuser has been filled with oil and I return to a lovely smelling home!

3. Weekly shopping being done and my fridge full of good, healthy, fresh food. 

4. Since we're on the topic of food, may I add that I love a cockpot dinner?  I'm not a huge fan of kitchen clean-up, but having dinner in the crockpot and few dishes to clean makes my heart super happy! 

5. A perfectly clean home makes my heart beam with joy! 

6. Morning devotionals with my husband.  I'm not a huge fan of getting up early, but it's such a blessing to get to grow in the Lord with Zack, so getting to early isn't so bad when this is the reason why! 

7. Walks with my family.  Since I'm on a huge health-kick,  anything that helps me to lose weight and makes me feel better is a huge like!  Doing it with my family, a big plus!

8. Soft Rollers overnight.  My hair hates me.  I've never had sucess with my hair holding a curl until I started putting soft rollers in my hair overnight and waking up with glorious curls.  Call my goldy locks, I don't care!  Long lasting curls,  I adore you! 

9. Homemade,  sugar free frozen yogurt.  I used honey.  If using honey to sweeten frozen yogurt is wrong,  then I don't want to be right! 

10. Being a Momma. Best.  Thing.  I've.  Ever. Done. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Week 1: Wednesday Way to Health

I love sugar.  There's no wonder we all crave it,  it's our body's #1 choice of fuel!

I also have the fortunate/unfortunate happening of having O- Blood.  It's super fortunate for people in need of a blood transfusion because O- is the universal blood type and I can donate to anybody on earth.  It's unfortunate because if you've done any research on blood types and diet, you'll know that O- doesn't do well on sugar and simple carbs, i.e the American diet!

I do well with veggies, meat, and some fruit. My body typically treats simple carbs like a toxin and inflammation is a constant attack my body, making me feel awful, miserable.

So today my diet looks like:

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, half an apple, a bit of honey

Lunch: Bell Peppers, corn on the cob, pulled chicken with homemade, sugar free BBQ sauce.

Dinner: Chicken Salad with avocado, tomatoes, carrots, olives, and homemade dressing.

Here's to good health and possibly another baby!

Yes, I decided to be meet my deadline and get these pictures up,  even if it meant I had soft rollers in my hair.  I like to live dangerously!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Health, or Lack of Health and Solutions

Back in November,  I visited my doctor complaining of not feeling well, having absolutely no energy or drive for pretty much anything in life.  On top of that,  I wasn't able to conceive the last few months,  and although at the time,  I wasn't immediately alarmed, I still wasn't sure what was going on because I had conceived Janni with no effort.

She did hundreds of dollars worth of testing and determined that my body was making nearly no hormones and my adrenals were fatigued.  She started me on a pretty expensive treatment.

Fast forward 6 months later and I'm feeling wonderful and I'm on a great path but still unable to conceive and gaining weight (Something I'm suppose to "ride out").

I've decided that I'm going to need to be proactive and radically change my diet and lifestyle.  I'm pulling out the big guns and becoming reacquainted with old, under appreciate friends (i.e. tread mill and pilates). All with the hopes of avoiding the need for a fertility doctor's services. I'll be documenting my process right here on the blog.

Pray for me and my out of shape body!