Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Week 1: Wednesday Way to Health

I love sugar.  There's no wonder we all crave it,  it's our body's #1 choice of fuel!

I also have the fortunate/unfortunate happening of having O- Blood.  It's super fortunate for people in need of a blood transfusion because O- is the universal blood type and I can donate to anybody on earth.  It's unfortunate because if you've done any research on blood types and diet, you'll know that O- doesn't do well on sugar and simple carbs, i.e the American diet!

I do well with veggies, meat, and some fruit. My body typically treats simple carbs like a toxin and inflammation is a constant attack my body, making me feel awful, miserable.

So today my diet looks like:

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, half an apple, a bit of honey

Lunch: Bell Peppers, corn on the cob, pulled chicken with homemade, sugar free BBQ sauce.

Dinner: Chicken Salad with avocado, tomatoes, carrots, olives, and homemade dressing.

Here's to good health and possibly another baby!

Yes, I decided to be meet my deadline and get these pictures up,  even if it meant I had soft rollers in my hair.  I like to live dangerously!

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