Thursday, December 11, 2014


I've not felt well and life has been hard.  I'm on a supplement that is suppose to help level out my progesterone and balance out my adrenal glands.  This week I am feeling amazing!  I am feeling normal!

My sister-in-law confessed her exhaustion for being primary caregiver to our Mother-in-law and now all three able sister-in-laws (there are 5 of us. One lives in Minnesota and the other has three children and 2 are school aged and she needs to be present with them and their school work/activities) are going to be rotating taking care of her.

She received her 3rd induction chemo and is currently in the hospital.  It is so life threatening the first week after chemo that she must be in the arms of skilled, life-saving professionals, so she spends close to a week in the hospital.  She is then pretty sick and in pain for the next two weeks and that is where the three of us will rotate.  All three of us live in Northern Arizona, so being away from our husbands and homes deems way, way too difficult so we will need to take our child/ren down to Phoenix and go on 4 day shifts.

I begin my first shift this Tuesday.

I am scared beyond measure.  I've memorized their address and will likely need to call 911 often.

When somebody has a trachea and a feeding tube, it makes the already hard and challenging nature of chemotherapy that much more difficult.  When vomiting must come through a small trachea opening and food must be administered slowly, every 3 hours... it pretty much means that she will vomit every 3 or so hours. 

But God is good.  He gives strength to the weary and gives power to the powerless.  These are the days where I will have to release my own capabilities and strengths to God so that He can make my weaknesses build up in strength.

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