Friday, October 21, 2016

Baby Tru, the Screamer: 5 Ways to Ride Out the Season of Screaming!

When Janni was born, she was a complete Dream! She was sweet, mostly content, slept relatively well, was happy to be held by absolutely anybody, and was independent enough to not be a clinger baby.

Tru is a clinger baby. Did ya hear me, Folks!? This baby IS demanding. He simply must be held all. the. times.


No matter how theological I want to be and say that God hasn't designed Tru wrong and that I know that Tru was designed to grow me, strengthen me, etc., he is still hard.  Sometimes I want to cry (other times I want to throw him out the window! ;-)).

But we prayed for this baby and he is a blessing.

Tru is currently 6 months old today (Happy Half-Birthday, my Screaming Champ!) and he is still very little, so I know that there is a chance that he will grow out of this phase.

If you currently have a screamer and are looking for some tips to help you ride through this season without pulling your hair out, I have discovered 5 tips that really help make my days so much more manageable.

1. Keep To The Nap Schedule As Best As Possible. Janni hardly ever took/takes naps. She's a bit like the Energizer Bunny, the way she keeps going and going and going.  And then she usually crashes at night and then sleeps a solid 10 hours.  But Tru is a napper. This boy needs a forty-five minute nap and then a solid 2 hour nap. I try to keep close to home during those nap times and then if I want to meet up with somebody or run an errand, I either try to have them come over to my house where I can manage ad control his nap times easier or if I absolutely have to leave the house for an errand, I just make sure to run like a racehorse and get back before nap time. I know it sounds terrible to have to stay home all the time, but it's only a season and is much better than the alternative: a crying, screaming, overtire baby. Amiright?

2. Allow Friends to Come Over, Even If Your House Is Messy.  This one kind of goes with the first one.  These times are hard, Girlfriend!  And because of a life threatening emergency and a very difficult pregnancy, I became a hermit and hardly ever socialized outside of church every Sunday. And then Tru was born and I wanted nothing more but to be a hermit even longer.  And you know what happened? I light case a post-partum depression became a terrible case and seeking out friends and humbling myself to my weaknesses really was the beginning of the healing process.  I also have some wonderful friends willing to hold my baby so I can clean or even sweep my house for me.  .  And although I want to feel like I am the Super Woman of my home, in this season, I simply am not and it's not my fault. And that's okay. I am so blessed to have friends in my life that are willing to come along side me and help me through this difficult season.

3. Get Out When You Can. Take a walk around the neighborhood. If you have a baby like mine, who needs to be held all the time, invest in a swaddle or baby carrier.  Many towns have Facebook groups of moms in your area trying to sell baby wraps and other baby things.  Craigslist also may have them. Or run that errand before nap time.  Fresh air is good for you.

4. Try Pulling Certain Foods Out Of Your Diet If You're Nursing. Tru has some reflux issues that add to his fussiness.  He also has a bit of eczema. I've been encouraged to pull out known triggers for reflux and eczema, like sugar and dairy, to see if this helps him with his reflux and skin issues. We haven't found the trigger yet but I am working on it.  On top of that, I feel like I am feeling better by not having added sugars in my diet and thus able to handle a fussy baby better.

5. Just Accept That Your Baby Is Probably High Needs. Easier said than done, huh?  Tru is 6 months so the colic theory is out the window.  He obviously may have some food allergies but the odds are likely that he is a high needs baby and just needs more attention than most babies.  And as hard as that is to type (Like, I almost want to throw up-- no I'm not pregnant! Ha!), facing reality really helps me not to resent the really, really hard days!

I hope that helps you!  Babies are precious and even when they make you want to pull your hair out, they're gifts from Heaven!  These struggles really make me appreciate the better days and have a hope that this boy is going to be a fantastic human being!

Let me know if you have any other tips I haven't listed!

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