Friday, November 4, 2016

A Nice Day

Today was nice. Which means a lot considering hour incredibly difficult it was the rest of the week.

Tru took over a 2 hour nap and it was glorious. Then, friends from church who live literally a 10 minute walk up the street, took both Janni and Tru for 2 hours (not something I would ever dream of doing with dream baby Janni at 6 months but Try is different). I came home and did some cleaning and then walked down the street and got my kids.

The family has the sweetest teenager girl, who walked us home and we stopped at a few yard sales on the way home. I bought a jogging stroller for $7 dollars (I want to start jogging/running and really need a double stroller but having this stroller will really help for evening walks until we get one) and a cute little nautical themed mirror for Tru's whale themed nursery!  The jogging stroller needs a new front tire but we have fix-a-leak and I'm hoping that'll fix the flat and that we won't have to buy a new tube. Zack is going to take a look at it tomorrow.

The teenage girl and I chatted the whole way home and she offered to come over once a week to help me with the kids. She's 15 and homeschooled. And frankly, if she wants to hold a fussy baby while I rush around the house and clean, God bless her sweet heart!!

She also has some health problems and says that she's used the natural doctor my girlfriend was talking about yesterday and that he's really, really helped her feel do much better and she's physically much, much healthier since she's been seeing him these past 2 years.

I think these encounters help me feel more and more hopeful that we'll be able to help Tru feel better. I feel encouraged by reaching out for help in ways I've never felt since giving birth to Tru.

Having a baby is never easy but having a consistently fussy/screaming baby has really been testing my limits. This is why I'm seeking help with the medical community and I'm looking into mom support groups because my husband works upwards of 10-12 hour days several days a week and I need somebody to come along side me on the hardest days.

This is partly why I'm blogging do often, because I need a place to vent, to write out my thoughts, and to know that I have this little corner of the internet to really share how I'm feeling.

I have hope knowing there are people willing and wanting to help. And these nice days, full of sunshine and a glimmer of hope are really what I need these days.

God is do good!

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